The SMART Portal for SMART SCALE Round 3 applications opens March 1, 2018. Eligible applicants include public transit agencies; counties; and cities and towns that maintain their own infrastructure and regional entities such as Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and Planning District Commissions (PDCs). Projects eligible for consideration include highway, transit, rail, road, operational improvements and transportation demand management projects and strategies. All projects submitted for SMART SCALE Round 3 consideration must meet a need identified in VTrans 2040 for a Corridor of Statewide Significance, Regional Network or Urban Development Area. Applicants considering applying for SMART SCALE project funding must do so through the SMART Portal, this includes the mandatory submittal of a pre-application on or before June 1, 2018. Final SMART SCALE Round 3 applications are due on or before August 1, 2018. Please email questions regarding the SMART SCALE Round 3 application cycle to or contact the VDOT District Planning point of contact Mr. Terry Short at