The SAWMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Regional Connectivity Study identified regional bicycle and pedestrian connectivity gaps between existing, funded, and proposed facilities in Staunton, Augusta County, and Waynesboro, and suggests potential corridors and facilities to create a connected regional network. The Study focused on the connectivity gaps in Augusta County, which is the critical connection point between both cities.

The analysis identified connectivity gaps based on existing, funded, and proposed non-motorized projects to assist with establishing a continuous bicycle and pedestrian network between Staunton, Augusta County, and Waynesboro. The purpose was to:

Facilitate a regional vision for a connected non-motorized network between each locality;
Assist localities in identifying and prioritizing future non-motorized projects; and,
Establish a baseline for more in-depth studies.
Bike and Ped Map Viewer 1.0

The SAWMPO Bike and Ped Regional Connectivity Map Viewer 1.0 is a companion tool to the SAWMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Regional Connectivity Study, and provides up-to-date information regarding the existing, funded, and proposed bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the region. View a short walk-through of the Map Viewer here: Map Viewer 1.0 Overview. Click here to view the full Map Viewer 1.0 Tool here: SAWMPO Bike and Ped Regional Connectivity Map Viewer 1.0

Learn more at the MPO’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program page.