SAWMPO Seeks Public Feedback for Phase II of the Long Range Transportation Plan
The Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (SAWMPO) invites the public to provide input on potential transportation projects that will shape the region’s future through 2050. The map along with other opportunities [&h...
OIPI Announces FY 2026 SMART SCALE Recommended Project Scenario
On January 14, 2025 the Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment (OIPI) presented the scoring results for Round 6 of its SMART SCALE program, which will provide approximately $1 billion in […]
FY24 – 27 TIP Amendment Released to Public Comment in August
The Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (SAWMPO) is releasing for a 21-day public comment period an amendment to the FY24 – 27 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), which documents transportation projects receiving [...
The Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (SAWMPO) was established as a result of the designation of the Staunton-Augusta-Waynesboro Urbanized Area (UZA) by the U.S. Census on March 26, 2012.