The Central Shenandoah Planning District Commission (CSPDC) adopted the region’s Long-Range Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan at its October 16, 2017 meeting. The TDM Plan provides an overview of the region’s transportation demand management program, details existing services, and identifies program resources.

The TDM Plan provides 23 strategic initiatives that were developed in an effort to augment the CSPDC’s existing TDM program, and implement new projects. Theses initiatives are broken into five categories – marketing and community outreach; carpool/vanpool/ride matching; employer services; alternative travel mode promotion; and TDM and regional planning and coordination.

CSPDC’s TDM program began in 2009 with the receipt of a Rideshare Transportation Demand Management grant for the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT). TDM programs throughout Virginia promote ridesharing and other transportation alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles to assist individuals seeking transportation options to their workplaces and other destinations, mitigate congestion on Virginia’s roadways, and reduce environmental impacts caused by vehicle emissions, roadway expansion, and other transportation-related factors.

For more information regarding the CSPDC’s RideShare program or the TDM Plan, please contact Rebecca Joyce at 540-885-5174 or