Long Range Planning

The primary objectives of the Long Range Planning program are updating and maintaining the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) and other regional planning documents, such as the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) is a comprehensive examination of the future transportation needs within the SAWMPO over a 25-year period. The LRTP presents recommendations for enhanced transportation efficiency and functionality, including the construction of new facilities, improved connectivity to multiple travel modes, and the enhancement of existing highway, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The LRTP also identifies potentially available federal, state, and local funding levels and presents recommendations for the future programming and implementation phasing of major projects.

2050 LRTP Update

The LRTP is updated every five years through a multi-year, multi-phase process that includes many opportunities for public input.

SAWMPO is offering multiple ways to share feedback and get your questions answered. Stay up to date on the 2050 LRTP and get involved by visiting the project page on CSPDC Connects by clicking here or clicking the image to the right.

Constrained Long Range Plan (CLRP)

The CLRP list identifies potential transportation projects that the region may be able to finance over the 25-year planning period and provides a realistic set of expectations for the general public.