Current Studies

The SAWMPO Small Area Studies assist member jurisdictions by examining site or area-specific needs identified in the 2045 Long Range Transportation Plan. Studies evaluate current and future conditions, and develop recommendations to advance projects from the planning concept to the funding application stage.

The SAWMPO partners with VDOT, DRPT, its member jurisdictions, and the public on each study. Project studies may address issues such as:

  • Roadway capacity
  • Safety and operational improvements
  • Bike and pedestrian planning
  • Planning and design of new roadways

The SAWMPO is currently updating the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) from 2045 to 2050 planning year horizon. The update began in May 2024, and the Plan update is expected to be approved by December 2025. During this time, the MPO will not be beginning any new studies. Check Programs > Long Range Planning for 2050 LRTP updates!